Blue Hydrangea Bouquet
Blue Hydrangea Bouquet
We love blue hydrangeas with yellows, whites, and or orange colors to make them pop! This Blue Hydrangea Bouquet is definitely cheerful. Hydrangeas love water, so please be sure that you change the water out in your vase at home for them to last for over a week!
*The hydrangea flowers are grown in one of our new farm fields this year. They are sustainably grown, but this particular flower of ours is not certified organic. The other flowers mixed with these are grown in our certified organic fields. These flowers are not considered certified organic because we do use fertilizer with them.*
About Our Flowers
All our blooms are grown on our farm in Rhode Island, and because of the nature (pun intended) of our work, the flowers you get may differ from what's shown in the photo. If you have any questions, please contact us.