Sunshine Bouquet
Sunshine Bouquet
A bouquet that will make you smile! A combination of different blooms and colors containing yellows, creams, orange, and greens that are handpicked and designed from your Rhode Island famers!
The Pictures below are just a couple of examples, but we have so many variations depending what flowers are at their best that week. Flower varieties could include but not limited to the following: sunflowers, dahlias, zinnias, snapdragons, calendula, celosia, dill, strawflowers, scabiosa, rudbeckia, feverfew, lisianthus, and more!
If it is a shipped bouquet, we will use particular flowers in this color palette that will make the journey. Not all of our flowers are shippable at this time, especially with the current heat wave in Rhode Island.
About Our Flowers
All our blooms are grown on our farm in Rhode Island, and because of the nature (pun intended) of our work, the flowers you get may differ from what's shown in the photo. If you have any questions, please contact us.